19 feb 2015
OHB Sweden och ÅAC Microtec kontrakteras för att utveckla ny svensk forskningssatellit, Mats
OHB Sweden, Stockholm, och ÅAC Microtec, Uppsala, har av Rymdstyrelsen utsetts att leverera satelliten Mats (Mesospheric Airglow/Aerposol Tomography and Spectroscopy) som ska undersöka vågor i övre atmosfären och deras inverkan på klimatet. Den totala kontraktsomfattningen inklusive uppskjutning och satellitoperationer är 83 miljoner kronor. Uppskjutningen av MATS planeras till början av 2018. Kombinationen av de båda …
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29 jan 2015
Saab Signs Co-operation Agreement with IBD Deisenroth Engineering
Defence and security company Saab announces the signature of a co-operation agreement between Saab and IBD Deisenroth Engineering for the development of vehicle survivability. Saab and IBD Deisenroth Engineering have synergies in their products and technologies that will allow the co-operation to provide advanced survivability solutions for land sea and air applications. “The co-operation with …
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23 jan 2015
4C Strategies & Kvinna till Kvinna – From Managing Security to Managing Risk
4C Strategies, in partnership with Kvinna till Kvinna, held a breakfast seminar on risk management on 16 January 2015. The keynote speaker, Mr. Maarten Merkelbach, is the Senior Programme Advisor at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and Project Director of the Security Management Initiative.
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13 jan 2015
Nammo launches ammunition production line in Sastamala
Nammo Lapua Oy, a Finnish subsidiary of the Nammo Group, signed an agreement with the Finnish aerospace and defense group, Patria Oyj to acquire the ammunition facility in Sastamala in November 2014. An official ceremony was held in Sastamala on Monday 12 January 2015, for the initiation of the production line. Representatives from the Finnish …
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20 nov 2014
T-Kartor vinner miljardkontrakt i USA
T-Kartors dotterbolag i USA som är en central del av Harris Corporation Team har vunnit ”Världens Största” geografiska underrättelse kontrakt, Foundation GEOINT Content Management (FGCM). Ett femårskontrakt värt upp till 5 miljarder SEK för att leverera data och tjänster till National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA). Läs T-kartors pressmeddelande här.
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18 nov 2014
Nammo acquires ammunition facility in Sastamala
Nammo Lapua Oy, a Finnish subsidiary of the Nammo Group, has signed an agreement with the Finnish aerospace and defense group, Patria to acquire the ammunition facility in Sastamala. The facility in Sastamala is specialized in production of components for artillery -and mortar ammunition. By acquiring the Sastamala facility Nammo secures continued activity of the …
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28 okt 2014
Secana together with Ekelöw have received the prestigious price The Security Company of the Year
Secana together with Ekelöw have been appointed the honorable award Security Company of the Year. The motivation behind the award was: A solid and well-managed company that is characterized by order, will, integrity and humility in a desirous but competitive industry. Purposiveness and responsiveness, combined with curiosity and the vision to build trust, delivers solutions …
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16 okt 2014
Saab selected by the Airports Authority of India to deploy A-SMGCS at five airports
Defence and security company Saab has been selected by the Airports Authority of India (AAI) to deploy Advanced – Surface Movement Guidance & Control Systems (A-SMGCS) at five airports in India. The Saab A-SMGCS will enhance situational awareness and runway safety at these growing airports. Saab will be deploying its A3000 A-SMGCS, Saab multilateration and …
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11 okt 2014
Saab får missilorder
Försvars- och säkerhetsföretaget Saab har fått en beställning gällande missilkomponenter till ett totalt värde av cirka 250 miljoner kronor. Leveranserna kommer att ske under åren 2015-2022. – Denna order är ytterligare ett bevis på vår breda kompetens och expertis och vi kommer fortsätta utveckla våra produkter inom missilområdet, säger Görgen Johansson, chef för Saabs affärsområde …
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10 okt 2014
T-Kartor and partners deliver Toronto wayfinding pilot
In Toronto, T-Kartor and project partners Steer Davies Gleave, Swerhun, Future Systems and DIALOG have delivered a wayfinding prototype in the Bay Street/Queen Street area of the Financial District. Read more here.
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17 sep 2014
GKN Aerospace in agreement with P&W on PW1900G
GKN Aerospace enters into a risk and revenue sharing agreement with Pratt & Whitney for the PurePower® PW1900G engine programme Agreement cements GKN Aerospace’s technology leadership GKN Aerospace anticipates that the agreement could be worth approximately USD2.5bn revenue over the life of the programme GKN Aerospace has agreed a major risk and revenue sharing partnership …
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17 sep 2014
Saab får order på självskyddssystem för fordon
Saab har fått ett kontrakt på företagets senaste avancerade självskyddssystem för fordon, LEDS-50 MK2. Kontraktet är värt 48 MSEK. Kundens namn kommer inte att offentliggöras. LEDS-50 MK2 ger ett utökat skydd för fordon och besättning genom att detektera senaste generationens laserhot och automatiskt vidta motåtgärder för att undvika att fordonet blir träffat. Beställningen är ett …
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