Förändringar och restriktioner i amerikanska försörjningskedjor – hur påverkas företagen?
Geo-political tensions, accelerating innovation, and the Covid-19 pandemic each have caused national security regulators to increase scrutiny of supply chains. The U.S. and other governments have sharpened policy, regulatory, and enforcement activity in the areas of telecommunications and 5G networks; power and financial infrastructure; and healthcare, life sciences, and protective industries. In particular, multiple new requirements and initiatives have been implemented seeking to increase integrity, security, and visibility into the supply chain for the U.S. Department of Defense. These requirements may particularly impact non-U.S. companies and contractors that supply into or cooperate with the Defense Industrial Base.
Join our panel of experts for a discussion of recent supply chain security developments and how non-US companies, and particularly suppliers into the DIB, can best navigate supply chain requirements.
The webinar will be open for members of SOFF as well as for external participants.
Säkerhets- och försvarsföretagen