Membership folder (english)
Read more about our work, organization and the issues we pursue in our membership folder.
The Swedish Security and Defense Industry Association, SOFF, is a trade organisation for companies in the field of cyber defence, civil security and defence, situated in Sweden. The purpose of the association is to, from a business perspective, contribute to the best conditions possible for enterprises to work and thrive in Sweden.
SOFF provides network, education and informational material, legal counselling and publications – and, maybe most importantly, presents established and joint remarks and opinions to governmental agencies and other decision makers.
Today, SOFF has more than 250 member companies and over 125 of these are SME’s (small and medium enterprises). Together, our member companies employ nearly 20,000 people and even more when also counting subcontractors. Together they account for a yearly turnover ranging at approximately 64 billion SEK.
The Swedish Security and Defense Industry Association (SOFF) is a coordinated voice for the business field in the dialogue with parliament, ministries and governmental agencies. The organisation is also active in the defence cooperation among the Nordic countries, EU and the US. SOFF contributes to developing more efficient politics and helps companies become more competitive.