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Foto: Daniel Klintholm / Försvarsmkaten
Foto: Daniel Klintholm/Försvarsmakten

Societal Security

Sweden's peace, freedom, and security must be protected. At the same time, our society faces a range of threats, risks, and vulnerabilities. Natural disasters, organised crime, terrorism, and information operations are among them. Sweden's open democratic society is an inviting target for attackers; therefore, to safeguard people's lives and health, it's crucial to protect the functionality of society.

Societal critical operations are particularly vulnerable to dependencies. Society consists of a range of functions where the private sector has come to dominate. With deregulation, privatisation, and technological advancement, it’s within companies that the state finds the resources for societal robustness and resilience. It’s essential to understand these dependencies and vulnerabilities, as well as companies’ approaches to societal security. For instance, the direct and indirect effects of regulations on business operations, ownership structures, customer contracts, long-term views, investment bases, flexibility, and assets of value.

Today, we try to avoid critical dependencies, where functions or resources in one operation are necessary for another to function, and where no alternatives exist. Even though the state, through legislation, holds ultimate responsibility for societal security, its execution is highly decentralised to municipalities, regions, county administrative boards, and agencies. Achieving greater societal security therefore requires collaboration between public authorities and businesses, especially concerning supply assurance, delivery reliability, and business planning. This also implies new business models.


To us, security means safeguarding functions vital to our society. Societal security thus becomes a prerequisite for a security framework that provides capabilities to handle various threats, risks, and vulnerabilities.

A crucial area within societal security is the work with the civilian part of total defence. We advocate that companies’ expertise reaches the market. In collaboration with other stakeholders, we create arenas and networks for users and product and service developers for enhanced dialogue and information exchange. There are also international needs, where companies are particularly competitive.

Within the association, the Societal Security member group works on developing this field in dialogue with relevant decision-makers. Society’s safety needs to be adjusted and structured to manage peace, crises, and ultimately war.


SOFF gathers suppliers with a broad scope, including civil defence (from household readiness to bomb shelters), services in continuity planning, supply chains, security protection, risk and vulnerability analyses, training exercises and consulting, as well as secure and resilient communications and countermeasures against disinformation.

Companies also offer tailored products in backup power, positioning, CCTV, sensors, protective equipment, perimeter security and access control, water purification, rescue services, secure documentation, detection like for explosives, biometrics, etc. Hence, with expertise and resources, these companies stand behind and support both public and private entities in their pursuit to create a safer and more secure society.

Learn more about our companies within societal security here.

Lina Bonander, projektledare på SOFF
Lina Bonander Director Societal Security 08-782 08 82 072-230 73 68

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