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Medlemsföretag i SOFF
Logotyp: AFRY

AFRY (ÅF Pöyry AB)

Since the 1950s, we regard the ability to identify and communicate trends, new ideas and new concepts at home and abroad as an integral and natural aspect of our work as defence consultants. We help to transform the visions of clients in the defence sector into concrete proposals and recommendations which they can present to the manufacturers and producers with whom they work. The Swedish Armed Forces call upon our services as an independent consultant to analyse a variety of problems, assist with procurement and evaluate proposed solutions. Projects vary from broad-based and sometimes theoretical analyses to detailed specifications of requirements, technical calculations, security analyses, network planning, installations planning, project management, testing and functional verification, training and documentation.

AFRY (ÅF Pöyry AB)
Postnummer & Ort:
169 99 Stockholm
Frösundaleden 2 A
+46 10 505 00 00
ÅF medverkar i SOFF:s tidning ”Svensk förmåga i en osäker omvärld”, April 2018:
ÅF strategisk partner till FMV