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Swedish Armed Forces expands their EXONAUT Suite

Since 2002, the Swedish Armed Forces has been using Exonaut for training management and to support the delivery of training. The newly acquired Exonaut modules Compliance and Performance Manager (CPM) and Observer (OBS) provides the Armed Forces with a world leading integrated capability development solution in order to build, verify and track military capability.

“During the two years that we tested the latest modules, prior to acquiring them, we managed to significantly improve how we run exercises and related activities. One of the most important benefits being detailed and evidence based reports ready to be delivered at the end of an exercise. From my perspective, it is also very valuable to meet likeminded professionals working with the same solution in order to learn from each other”, says Lt Col Carl-Fredrik Kleman, Head of Swedish Armed Forces Joint Training Centre.

Proven solution for efficient exercise management and capability development

“We are very happy that the Swedish Armed Forces expands our partnership and are confident that our proven solution will contribute to the Swedish Armed Forces efforts for increased operational capability”, says Martin Rusner, Business Development Manager Military & Emergency Sector Nordic.

“Our solution enables users to plan, deliver and re-use all types of exercises; from field exercises to large integrated computer and simulator assisted exercises with thousands of participants at remote locations around the world. Users can build training, capability and compliance objectives and schedule the objectives in their exercise and activity plans. The results can then be analysed in detail as well as aggregated throughout the entire organisation. Through smart phones and tablets, users have a mobile interface to all Exonaut modules and these can be used both on and offline with features such as observation capture, performance assessments, exercise plans, information libraries, maps, positioning and communication.”
Swedish Armed Forces joins an International community of military capability development professionals

4C Strategies capability development solution was originally developed for the British Army and is today in use by armed forces all around the world. The extensive user community allows for efficient cost sharing for further development as well as sharing of best practices and lessons learned during user conferences.

Read more about how 4C Strategies and EXONAUT can support you at
Press Contacts at 4C Strategies

Martin Rusner
+46 (0)70 368 83 86

UK & Ireland
David Paterson
+44 (0)7810 250274

Mikael Edqvist
+46 (0)70 612 76 78
About 4C Strategies

4C Strategies are recognised as one of the world’s most innovative providers of risk and crisis management solutions. Our customised solutions leverage the best of our expertise and innovation to support clients in achieving end-to-end Readiness through the development of robust and effective Risk Management, Business Continuity and Incident & Crisis Management capabilities. The development of an integrated Readiness capability ensures that our clients are in the best possible position to deliver on their strategic and operational objectives.

Om 4C Strategies

4C Strategies är en av världens mest innovativa leverantörer av lösningar för risk- och krishantering. Våra kundanpassade lösningar kombinerar det bästa av expertis och innovation för att våra kunder ska kunna hantera såväl väntade som oväntade händelser. Vi integrerar riskhantering, kontinuitetshantering, incident- och krishantering samt revisions- och granskningsverksamhet med övning och träning för att säkerställa att våra kunder har rätt förmåga och beredskap för det oväntade. På så vis får våra kunder bättre förutsättningar att nå sina strategiska och operativa mål.

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