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Our vision

We strive to create the best possible conditions for our members to operate in Sweden and on the international market.

At SOFF we:

Drive networking and connectivity between Swedish companies and international businesses.

Access to policy experts

From conventional defence to cutting-edge cyber, SOFF is dedicated to the success of our companies and stands ready to help members tackle policy challenges.

Advocacy in action

SOFF is the leading national voice of hundreds of defence, societal security and cybersecurity companies. We regularly engage with decision makers on issues of importance to our sector.


SOFFs events are not to be missed! Our unique events establish the platform for our members to learn, engage and grow their businesses. Eunsure you are consistently knowledgable about market opportunities and issues impacting your business.


Grow smarter with access to business opportunities on SOFF-Portal, created with a member’s needs at the forefront.

A seat at the table

Your SOFF membership gives you a voice. Our experienced team monitors policy developments as they happen, advocates on industry’s behalf, and keeps our members informed. With expertise ranging from defence and cyber procurement to exports and international affairs, SOFF is the national association you can trust to make your voice heard where it counts most.

Member committees

Members have a seat at the table on SOFFs Committees. Join to connect with other company leaders, help shape the future of our market, and advise the association on key issues. Through the committees, the industry is afforded an opportunity to gather and distil its priorities, positions and views, which SOFF can then advance with the decisionmakers in Sweden and abroad. They also provide our members with a forum for dialogue where they can express feedback to the association on how events, programs and services can be improved.

The purpose of the Swedish Security & Defence Industry Association (SOFF) is to create the best possible preconditions for member companies to operate in Sweden and enhance their market accessibility and capacity to trade. 


SOFF member companies are presented with significant opportunities, which come hand in hand with considerable challenges. It’s crucial to contextualise their growth on a global scale and assess the implications for the Swedish clientele. Currently, many firms are integrated into a matrix of international ownership configurations and global subcontractor supply chains. By proactively establishing the right conditions within Sweden, the groundwork is set for triumph on the global defence stage. The journey of exportation begins with research, innovation, and development. The Association aims to deepen understanding of the synergy between an efficient defence market and pioneering research, highlighting the resultant benefits from a security and defence policy standpoint.


The paramount goal of SOFF is to ensure that security and defence enterprises in Sweden are afforded the most favourable conditions for growth and success. Fundamentally, this involves two main strategies: a sustained commitment to addressing market accessibility and trading terms, and engagement with prospective promotional procedures and initiatives. To achieve this, SOFF endeavours to shape the creation and execution of policies and legislative structures that impact the security and defence sector.

In the immediate future, SOFF’s primary concern is to guarantee an equitable environment for Swedish enterprises to export and partner on the global stage. Throughout the fiscal year, the Association also plans to bolster recognition of the pivotal role these enterprises play in fortifying Swedish defence capabilities, whilst also amplifying research and innovative ventures.

Robert Limmergård Secretary General +46 8-782 08 85 +46 70-283 56 90

Our focus

Our key mission today is to illuminate for our decision-makers the indispensable role that our companies play in safeguarding our communities. Beyond just business, we are at the forefront of shaping security policy, making a safer future for all.

SOFF’s focus areas