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4C Strategies partners with CESI

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4C Strategies partners with CESI to create an integrated training management, simulation and assessment solution

4C Strategies is proud to announce today the partner agreement with Cole Engineering Services, Inc. (CESI). It will directly strengthen 4C’s footprint in the US and other selected markets, where the companies will work together bringing modern training solutions to clients.

Embedding 4C’s Exonaut® software and CESI’s simulation and gaming experience together will allow to delivering more effective training to modern forces.

“With Exonaut®, CESI will be able to integrate the most modern and comprehensive training management & assessment system with its advanced simulation technologies and deliver them to all Services in the defence community. Users will benefit directly from this, and by using the Exonaut® data analytics toolset it will provide strategic insights into training data instantly.” says Michael Coss, President of 4C Strategies in North America.

“For over a decade, CESI has been at the forefront of developing simulation-based training, serious gaming, and other support services. We are excited to partner with 4C Strategies on this innovative opportunity. With EXONAUT®’s training management application and data analytics tool, our team will be able to increase the effectiveness of our training solutions and the readiness of our war-fighters” says Bryan Cole, CESI’s Chief Executive Officer.

About EXONAUT® software suite

Training and Exercise Management Information System for Evidence Based Decision Making

Our software suite Exonaut® is a modern, highly configurable and easy to use solution fully developed with the user in mind. It allows our users to schedule, plan, design, execute, analyze and exploit training activities while providing a transparent view of scenarios, unit performance, lessons and training risk.

Exonaut® is used by an increasing number of the world’s defense forces as their principal training and exercise management information system. The aggregated training data supported by the sophisticated Exonautt® analytics platform provides views of training readiness, statistics and trends. At the same time its users appreciate time savings gained using the system.

About CESI

Cole Engineering Services, Inc. (CESI) – an employee-owned small business formed in 2004 – is recognized as a premier provider of State of the Art Modeling and Simulation Training Solutions to the Federal Government. CESI has extensive experience modernizing air models and frameworks in Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and federated simulation environments. CESI also supports modeling, simulation, and training (MS&T) and information technology (IT) system fielding, exercise planning, system operation, and maintenance.

Om 4C Strategies

4C Strategies är en av världens ledande experter av lösningar för risk- och krishantering. Bolaget grundades år 2000, har kontor i Stockholm, Malmö, Visby, London, Warminster och Washington D.C. Våra kundanpassade lösningar kombinerar det bästa av expertis och innovation. 4C Strategies integrerar risk-, kontinuitets-, incident- och krishantering med revisions- och granskningsverksamhet. Till detta kopplar vi utbildning och träning för att säkerställa rätt förmåga och beredskap för det väntade såväl som det oväntade. På så vis får våra kunder bättre förutsättningar att nå sina strategiska och operativa mål. Och vi tar ett steg till för att göra världen säkrare för människor, organisationer och bolag.

4C Group AB (4C Strategies)
Box 7637
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103 94 Stockolm
+46 (0) 8-522 27 900
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