Recab is now a proud partner of Total Defence Group (TDG)

Recab is now a partner of Total Defence Group (TDG). TDG has a proven track record of complete upgrades of complex defense products i.e the CV9030N Mk III program. NTNU/CCIS and SINTEF Manufacturing are also adding important knowhow to the group.
Bjørn Espen Aase, Managing Director, Recab Norway: As part of TDG, Recab will contribute with innovative technology in digitalization of military vehicles. This is an important contribution in strengthening the Norwegian industry in supporting the Armed Forces with relevant and modern equipment in order to contribute to a higher operational strength.
Total Defence Group’s Chairman – Rune C Vamråk is very pleased with the newest parter, Recab have already contributed in the revived DIGITAL DIVISION in TDG. There will be many defence projects in the coming years which will need specialized competences, digital solutions and Recab’s track record is very important for broadening the group’s capacity.”
– Recab will definitely strengthen the digital competences in the group and add very useful experiences into our TEAMS fighting for defence contracts.