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Mobile Camouflage System in use by the U.S. Army in Europe

The U.S. Army´s 2nd Cavarly Regiment, stationed in Vilsek, Germany, is now evaluating Saab’s Barracuda Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) on their Stryker fighting vehicles. This is the first field evaluation of the MCS conducted by the U.S. Army. The MCS, from Saab’s business unit Barracuda, provides constant protection to vehicles when stationary, while on the …

Saab Signs Support Contract for Giraffe AMB with France

Saab has signed a contract with the French Ministry of Defence’s Direction de la Maintenance Aéronautique (DMAé) regarding support for the surface based radar system Giraffe AMB.   DMAé is responsible for the operational maintenance of the French Ministry of Defence’s aeronautics equipment. The contract, which includes support, maintenance and spare parts, covers an initial …

Svensk Bakgrundsanalys AB

Swedish Background Analysis is a full-service supplier of employee security with hundreds of clients in both the public and private sectors. Among the company’s clients are municipalities and regions, as well as some of Sweden’s largest companies, as well as medium-sized and smaller companies. Most of the clients in the private sector are companies in …

Saab to Deliver RBS 70 Mk II Missiles to the Czech Army

Saab has received an order to deliver the Mk II missile for RBS 70 to the Army of the Czech Republic. The deliveries will take place in 2019. The order was placed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), responsible for acquisitions for NATO members. The Czech Republic is a user of the RBS …

Latvia and Estonia Place Orders for Carl-Gustaf M4

Saab has received orders from Latvian Armed Forces and Estonian Armed Forces for deliveries of Carl-Gustaf® M4. Deliveries will take place in 2021-2024. The orders are placed within a framework agreement signed by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) in June 2019, which allows Sweden, Latvia and Estonia to place orders for Carl-Gustaf M4 weapon …

Saab Receives Order for Gripen Support and Maintenance Operations

Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) on behalf of the Swedish Armed Forces to provide support and maintenance services for Gripen from 1 July 2020 to 31 March 2021. The total order value amounts to MSEK 687. The order is a nine month extension of a contract signed with …

Saab’s Gripen offer to Finland includes GlobalEye

Saab announces that its Gripen offer to Finland, submitted in January this year, also includes two GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft. GlobalEye is a strategic asset, which can be in operation 24/7 for airspace and ground surveillance. Such AEW&C capability would increase Finland’s situational awareness and provide increased pre-warning time, supporting the …

New Swedish SIGINT ship launched in Gdynia

Nauta Shiprepair Yard has completed the next milestone in the construction of the Swedish SIGINT ship for the Royal Swedish Navy. Outfitting and equipment installation will take place in Nauta Shiprepair Yard, after which the vessel will undergo harbour and sea trials. The ship will then sail to Saab’s shipyard in Karlskrona to complete outfitting …

Saab Provides Swedish Navy With Additional Trackfire RWS Systems, #Saabgroup

Saab has received an additional order from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) regarding Trackfire Remote Weapon Station (RWS) for the Royal Swedish Navy. Trackfire RWS will be installed on the new Combat Boat 90 (Strb90 HSM) used by the navy’s amphibian forces. – This order is further proof that the Swedish customer continues to …

Saab Wins Framework Contract for Mortar Rounds

Saab has been chosen in competition for a mortar ammunition contract amongst other vendors for 81mm grenades, including both explosive and training rounds for an undisclosed customer. The framework contract will have a duration of five years and the first order intakes are expected to take place in 2019 followed by deliveries in 2020. Saab …

Finnish Defence Forces Place Order for Virtual Training Simulators from Saab

Saab and the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command have signed a contract for deliveries of virtual simulators for marksmanship and basic combat training with associated maintenance for three years. The order value is approximately 9 million Euro and the first deliveries will take place in 2019. This procurement is a part of the Finnish Armed …

Saab receives order for Carl-Gustaf ammunition from Estonia

Saab has received an order from the Estonian Centre for Defence Investment on ammunition for the Carl-Gustaf® system. The order value is 186 MSEK and deliveries will be made during 2018-2019. The order is placed under a Framework Agreement signed with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration where Estonia has the possibility to place orders from …