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OHB Sweden and ÅAC Microtec to develop the InnoSat platform and implement its first mission named MATS

OHB Sweden, Stockholm, and ÅAC Microtec, Uppsala, have been appointed by the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) to deliver a highly capable small satellite platform, named InnoSat, and to accomplish the advanced scientific mission named MATS (Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography and Spectroscopy).

The two companies’ extensive expertise, innovative products and efficient work approaches are successfully combined, giving Sweden the advantage to build advanced satellites at a very competitive price.

OHB Sweden and ÅAC Microtec have been contracted by SNSB to develop, integrate and operate MATS, the first scientific mission based on the new innovative state-of-the-art small satellite platform. The launch of the satellite is currently planned for spring 2018. The total contract value including launch and operations is about 9 Million Euro.

“We are very enthusiastic that SNSB decided to create national space missions in a timely and cost effective manner. This will once again give our Swedish scientists the chance for unique world-class research. For us it means that we retain and further develop the national capacity to build complete space systems. As the next innovation step after satellites like Odin, SMART-1 and PRISMA, we are together with ÅAC Microtec developing a highly competitive product for the international market”, says Gierth Olsson, CEO of OHB Sweden.

“There is a clear trend for smaller and more affordable satellites meeting higher performance requirements than was previously possible. The development of the small satellite market has really exploded in recent years. Driving factors are among other technological progress and budget constraints forcing a paradigm shift. We see a huge global potential for AAC’s reliable satellite systems and the new InnoSat platform and look forward to the cooperation with OHB Sweden, “says Mikael Andersson, CEO of AAC Microtec.

InnoSat is a satellite in the micro-class (10-100 kg), which in its standard version will have a mass of about 40 kg and dimensions of 60 x 70 x 85 cm. The satellite design is flexible and can be adapted for other instruments with requirements beyond the standard specification.

For more information:
– OHB Sweden, see
– AAC Microtec, see

OHB Sweden
Bengt Larsson,
VP Business Development
Tel: +46 70 575 03 02

ÅAC Microtec AB
Johan Bäckström,
VP Sales & Marketing
Tel. +46 70 673 67 55

OHB Sweden AB is an affiliate of OHB AG (Prime Standard, ISIN: DE0005936124), one of the three large space prime companies in Europe. As space systems supplier, OHB Sweden develops, builds, tests and operates satellites and subsystems for various space projects in communications, Earth observation and space science. Including both satellites in low and geostationary orbit as well as spacecraft designed for interplanetary missions.

ÅAC Microtec commercializes the use of low cost spacecraft for a wide range of applications. ÅAC has developed low cost, scalable and highly configurable products, systems and solutions based on plug-and-play concepts, suitable e.g. for the growing small satellite market. By combining proprietary design and packaging techniques ÅAC also offers robust solutions based on state-of-the art microelectronics and MEMS technology for optimal life cycle performance.

Since becoming the first ever non-US company to be awarded a joint development contract with the US Air Force Research Laboratory, ÅAC Microtec has grown into a leading supplier of miniaturized, multifunctional electronics systems to the global aerospace industry. Strategic customers include space agencies like ESA, NASA, DLR (Germany), JAXA (Japan) and SNSB(Sweden), plus major industrial consortiums. To date, ÅAC Microtec systems have orbited the earth onboard US, Japanese and German satellites. The demand for its state-of-the-art development skills and high-value product solutions remains high.

About ÅAC Microtec AB
ÅAC Microtec provides high value space solutions and systems for commercial, governmental and educational customers on the global market through its partner network and offices in Sweden and the United States.
Read more here.

AAC Clyde Space AB
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 48
Postcode & town:
751 83 Uppsala
Visitor address:
Staben, Uppsala Science Park
+46 18 560 130
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