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First Omnideck 6 deployed

Straight off the back of a successful military focused ITEC 2015, Omnifinity have now taken its first stride in the professional services industry by supplying an Omnideck 6 to Transport Catapult Systems, who focus primarily on solving the big transportation problems of the future. The delivery is the first of its kind and means the Omnideck 6 now has a presence in the United Kingdom.

Älmhult, Sweden (June 16th, 2015)

MSE Omnifinity AB, the Swedish developer of solutions for natural movement in the virtual world, are pleased to announce their first installation of the Omnideck 6 to Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) in the United Kingdom.

The Omnideck 6 will be used by TSC for use in public consultation activities, primarily in the transport industry, to empower decision makers to make better informed decisions through virtual reality and advanced visualisation equipment.

TSC have built a unique facility for a wide variety companies (primarily the transport industry), to investigate and experiment the use of virtual and augmented reality with the aim of solving real world problems.

“We’re really looking forward to seeing the positive outcomes from this exciting project, and how the Omnideck 6 solves real life problems to assist future transport and town design and planning” – Richard Guilfoyle, Sales Director Omnifinity.

“The Omnideck 6 is a piece of equipment that doesn’t come around often, and we intend to use it so that influencers can experience the virtual world first hand, and see the options and changes they available to them” – Martin Pett, Principal Technologist Transport Systems Catapult.


Richard Guilfoyle,
+46 (0)738 300 044

Martin Pett,
+44 (0)1908 359999

Read more here.

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