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Member of SOFF

WorkCon AB

Turnkey container solutions.

We offer everything from standard equipped containers to advanced custom builds.
A container where your wishes and needs are in focus.

WorkCon AB is a company with offices in both Trelleborg down south and Bräcke up north Sweden.
We understand customers’ needs and see solutions where others may see problems.

Characteristic for us at WorkCon is that we are innovative, percipient and deliver complete container solutions.
Our containers are carefully designed according to customers’ requirements and are of the highest quality.

Since a container with its mobility can be shipped worldwide by, for example, car, boat or truck, there are no barriers regarding its geographical applications. We have a solution for a global market.

Contact information
WorkCon AB
Omvägen 11
Postcode & town:
231 62 Trelleborg
+46 (0) 10 – 516 41 00